Sunday, December 13, 2009

mine and yours

Today I've buy a chidrens book about rights and responsibilities is specifically designed for children 4-8 years old.the title of this book is MINE AND YOURS by Joy wilt.why I want to share this kind of information in this time? It because some of people trying disputed my child right.this book teaches that just as a person is born with a body,a mind,and a soul,a person is born with right-right that should be retained and asserted if the person is to survive and grow.right are not something that a person receives from other other people.right are something a person automatically owns.;-
1.The right to be yourself.
2.The right to be honest.
3.The right to have your needs met
4.The right to ask questions and get honest answers,and the right to learn.
5.The right to think your own thoughts and believe your own beliefs.
6.The right to make mistakes.
7. The right to make all the decisions and choices you can,and the right to be in on any decision that will affect you.
8.The right to own your own things.
9.The right to privacy.
10.The right to live free from fear.
11.The right to grow and develop at your own pace.
12.The right to defend your right if they are being taken away.

This means that you should not allow anyone to take your right need to keep them,be thankful for them,and use them wisely because...your rights and rensponsibilities were given to you so that you could become the wonderful person you were created to be!

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